Far East Film Festival 24: tutti i film, gli ospiti e gli eventi dell'edizione 2022
In proiezione NOISE dal manga di Tsutsui, Inu-Oh di Yuasa, il documentario su Satoshi Kon. Presente anche una mostra su Shigeru Mizuki. AnimeClick si conferma web media partner
di bob71

- Hi, Mom, JIA Ling, mamma mia time-travelling, China 2021, European Premiere
- I Am What I Am, SUN Haipeng, animated action with lion dance, China 2021, European Premiere
- The Italian Recipe, HOU Zuxin, “Roman Holiday” with Chinese flavors, China/It/Ger 2022, World Premiere
- Manchurian Tiger, GENG Jun, black comedy, China 2022, International Premiere – ONLINE ITALY ONLY
- Nice View, WEN Muye, post-neorealism and China dream drama, China 2022, International Premiere
- Return to Dust, LI Ruijun, rural love story, China 2022, Italian Premiere
- Too Cool to Kill, XING Wenxiong, “F for fake, A for acting”, China 2022, International Festival Premiere – ONLINE ITALY ONLY

- Caught in Time, LAU Ho-leung, cop chases robber, HK/Mainland China 2021, Italian Premiere – ONLINE ITALY ONLY
- Far Far Away, Amos WHY, metropolitan HK love connections, HK 2021, European Premiere
- The First Girl I Loved, Candy NG, YEUNG Chiu-hoi, girlhood love drama, HK 2021, Italian Premiere - ONLINE WORLDWIDE (EXCEPT ASIA)
- Legendary in Action!, Justin CHEUNG, LI Ho, improbable wuxia hero, HK 2022, World Premiere
- Schemes in Antiques, Derek KWOK, twisted adventure-mystery blockbuster, HK/ Mainland China 2021, International Festival Premiere – ONLINE ITALY ONLY
- Table for Six, Sunny CHAN, family reunion with a bang, HK 2022, World Premiere
- Tales from the Occult, Fruit CHAN, FUNG Chih-chiang, Wesley HOI, rekindling HK horror, HK 2022, European Premiere
- Twelve Days, Aubrey LAM, Is there joy in marriage?, HK 2021, International Premiere

What to Do with the Dead Kaiju?
- Love Nonetheless, JOJO Hideo, love in modern day Japan, Japan 2022, International Premiere – ONLINE WORLDWIDE
- Missing, KATAYAMA Shinzo, serial killer thriller + black comic vibe, Japan 2021, European Premiere
- My Small Land, KAWAWADA Emma, “gaijin” youth drama, Japan 2022, Italian Premiere
- Noise, HIROKI Ryuichi, crime in the island of figs, Japan 2022, International Festival Premiere – ONLINE EUROPE ONLY
- One Day, You Will Reach the Sea, NAKAGAWA Ryutaro, intense drama about loss, Japan 2022, International Premiere – ONLINE ITALY ONLY
- Popran, UEDA Shinichiro, "private parts"– missing panic comedy, Japan 2022, European Premiere – ONLINE ITALY ONLY
- What to Do with the Dead Kaiju?, MIKI Satoshi, kaiju disposal and political satire, Japan 2022, European Premiere

Love Nonetheless (Japan)
- The Assistant, Adrian TEH, Dr Jekyll in KL underworld, Malaysia 2022, World Premiere
- The Devil's Deception, Kabir BHATIA, the shadow of horror, Malaysia 2022, World Premiere
- Leonor Will Never Die, Martika Ramirez ESCOBAR, a love letter to cinema, The Philippines 2022, Italian Premiere, – ONLINE ITALY ONLY
- Rabid, Erik MATTI, horror in the pandemic year, The Philippines 2021, International Premiere – ONLINE WORLDWIDE
- Reroute, Lawrence A. FAJARDO, fatal detour sex thriller, The Philippines 2022, International Premiere – ONLINE WORLDWIDE

One Day, You Will Reach the Sea (Japan)
Corea del Sud
- The Apartment with Two Women, KIM Se-in, the cruel intimacy of family, South Korea 2021, Italian Premiere
- Confession, YOON Jong-seok, a secret inside a mystery, South Korea 2022, Italian Premiere
- Hostage: Missing Celebrity, PIL Gam-sung, art-imitating-life thriller, South Korea 2021, Italian Premiere – ONLINE WORLDWIDE
- The Killer, CHOI Jae-hoon, don't make the hitman angry, South Korea 2022, World Premiere
- Kingmaker, BYUN Sung-hyun, the cruel game of politics, South Korea 2022, European Premiere – ONLINE ITALY ONLY
- Miracle: Letters to the President, LEE Jang-hoon, dreamy fairy tale, South Korea 2021, International Festival Premiere
- Perhaps Love, CHO Eun-ji, a comedy of tangled romance, South Korea 2021, International Festival Premiere – ONLINE WORLDWIDE
- Special Delivery, PARK Dae-min, a female “Baby Driver” in Korea, South Korea 2022, Italian Premiere – ONLINE WORLDWIDE
- Thunderbird, LEE Jae-won, a long and desperate night, South Korea 2022, World Premiere
- Tomb of the River, YOON Young-bin, gangster war for resorts, South Korea 2021, International Premiere – ONLINE WORLDWIDE

One for the Road (Thailandia)
- Incantation, Kevin KO, folk horror, Taiwan 2022, International Premiere
- Mama Boy, Arvin CHEN, the puppy and the maitresse, Taiwan 2022, World Premiere
- Cracked, Surapong PLOENSANG, haunted painting horror story, Thailand 2022, International Festival Premiere – ONLINE WORLDWIDE
- One for the Road, Baz POONPIRIYA, super cool road movie with memories & cocktails, Thailand 2021, European Premiere – ONLINE ITALY ONLY*

Noise ()
Fuori concorso:
Best of the best (7)
- Escape from Mogadishu, RYOO Seung-wan, based-on-a true-story action, South Korea 2021
- INU-OH, YUASA Masaaki, rock music animation, Japan 2021
- On the Job: The Missing 8, Erik MATTI, political thriller, The Philippines 2021
- Streetwise, NA Jiazuo, lost souls symphony, China 2021
- Terrorizers, HO Wi-ding, ensemble portraits in modern Taipei, Taiwan 2021
- Yuni, Kamila ANDINI, feminine freedom plea, Indonesia 2021 – ONLINE ITALY ONLY
- White Building, Kavich NEANG, our home in demolition, Cambodia 2021
Documentari (5)
- Citizen K, Yves MONTMAYEUR, biopic, France 2021, Italian Festival Premiere – ONLINE WORLDWIDE
- Fanatic, OH Seyeon, pop idol mania, South Korea 2021, International Premiere
- Finding Bliss: Fire and Ice - The Directors’ Cut, Kim CHAN, Dee LAM, road movie from HK to Iceland Hong Kong 2022, World Premiere – ONLINE WORLDWIDE
- Kim Jong-boon of Wangshimni, KIM Jin-yeoul, street vendor bittersweet tale, South Korea 2021, International Premiere – ONLINE EUROPE
- Satoshi Kon: The Illusionist, Pascal-Alex VINCENT, biopic, France/Japan 2021– ONLINE ITALY ONLY

Initial D (Hong Kong)
Classici restaurati (7)
- Audition, MIIKE Takashi, cold sadistic fury tale, Japan 1999/2022, World Festival Premiere
- Battle Royale Director’s Cut, FUKASAKU Kinji, extreme murder game, Japan 2000/2021, Italian Premiere
- The Heroic Trio, Johnnie TO, wild action-fantasy, HK 1993/2022, Italian Premiere
- Executioners, Johnnie TO, CHING Siu-tung, wild action-fantasy sequel, HK 1993/2022, European Premiere
- Initial D, Andrew LAU, Alan MAK, cars and racing breathtaking action, HK 2005/2022, World Premiere
- The Swordsman of All Swordsmen, Joseph KUO, magnificent wuxia tale, Taiwan 1968/2022, International Premiere
- Pale Flower, SHINODA Masahiro, nihilistic youth beauty, Japan 1964/2022, Italian Premiere
Special screening (1)
- Sonatine, Takeshi KITANO, gangster epic, Japan 1993

Legendary in Action! (Hong Kong)
Special Sections
Odd couples (4)
- The Crimson Kimono, Samuel FULLER, romance-noir-crime, US 1959
- Bridge to the Sun, Étienne PÉRIER, love story -drama, France 1961
- Hiroshima Mon Amour, Alain RESNAIS, French New Wave, France 1959
- Year of the Dragon, Michael CIMINO, New York gangster noir, US 1985
- Manila by Night, Ishmael BERNAL, drama, The Philippines 1980/ restored 2022, World Premiere – ONLINE WORLDWIDE
- Manila in the Claws of Light, Lino BROCKA, melò, The Philippines 1975/ restored 2013
- Metro Manila, Sean ELLIS, social drama, UK/The Philippines 2013 – ONLINE ITALY ONLY
- Slingshot, Brillante MENDOZA, neo-realistic noir, The Philippines 2007– ONLINE WORLDWIDE
- Neomanila, Mikhail RED, bleak portrait of a city, The Philippines 2017 – ONLINE WORLDWIDE

Too cool to kill (China)

My Small Land (Japan)
- Red Panda
- Red Panda Under 26 (riservato a coloro che hanno un’età inferiore ai 26 anni) - € 49,00 (dall’8 marzo al 13 aprile 2022) - € 59,00 (prezzo applicato a chi si accredita durante il festival)
- White Tiger: - € 79,00 (dall’8 marzo al 13 aprile 2022) - € 89,00 (prezzo applicato a chi si accredita durante il festival)
- White Tiger Under 26 (riservato esclusivamente a coloro che hanno un’età inferiore ai 26 anni) - € 69,00 (dall’8 marzo al 13 aprile 2022) - € 79,00 (prezzo applicato a chi si accredita durante il festival)
- Black Dragon: - € 200 Acquistabile dal 7 febbraio al 13 aprile e, di nuovo, durante il Festival senza alcuna variazione di importo.
- Web Snake - tutti i film presentati online - € 12,90 (accompagnabile anche a iscrizione a MyMovies ONE con relativo catalogo online on demand);
- Web Dragon - tutti i film presentati online + catalogo cartaceo spedito a casa + nome sul catalogo come sostenitore - € 100.