Ma quanto è bello Honneamise? Sicuramente tra la mia top 10 dei miglior lungometraggi animati giapponesi.
Staff: Oshii-san, this time with Sky Crawlers, the aerial scenes are done in 3DCG and the scenes on the ground are, well, 2d animation. And well, I realize that it was intentional, but I was wondering why you decided to go in that direction?
Oshii: Well, to start off, we have to be realistic here: that was the only way we could get it done. I mean, there aren't enough animators out there that could let us do everything hand-drawn.
S: Yeah…
O: There aren't animators out there reckless enough to animate those fighter planes, or even more, move those clouds.
S: They've disappeared?
O: They're not around anymore.
S: Mm…
O: Who's going to draw those fighter planes? No one's going to.
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