Yotsuba Nakano (best girl)
Riguardo alla questione capelli vorrei rispondere pubblicando un'intervista di non molto tempo fa, è in inglese ma é abbastanza semplice da tradurre:l'anime soffre di molti compromessi e bugie "necessarie"... (colore di capelli, le voci diverse ecc ecc) che rendono difficile rendere credibili (o anche solo sensate) molte scene...
Pretty sure, some of y'all already saw the Negi Haruba Interview prolly a month or so ago. But for those who are not. Here's a rough summary of it conscerning his thoughts about his series.
>He says it's unusual for a romcom to not have a clear main girl
>Cites Toradora and Meizon Ikkoku as iconic romcoms with clear main girls
(ah sh*t, here comes the nostalgia again)
>Negi likes manga that make you want to talk to other people about, having debates over who is cuter
(yeah but when you added "mystery" in the story it's not just waifu wars anymore but theory wars as well)
>He wanted to make such a manga himself so he thought about what is necessary and unnecessary
>The unnecessary part was "an ending where the MC is connected to everyone", that's why he put the wedding at the beginning
>To avoid people saying "first girl wins" he introduced all the girls in the first chapter
(Outstanding move!)
>However the editor made him introduce Itsuki first and have her in the centre in the Vol 1 cover to make it easier for the readers
(Itsuki = red herring, got it (y) )
>Negi thinks if people liked Raiha or the classmates TOO MUCH it'd create too much noise so he gave Raiha a weird hairstyle, but it turned out TOO CUTE in the anime
(Raiha master race!)
>He's dissappointed that there are still people who expect a harem ending aftera he made it clear there's only one bride
(iz okay, that's where the doujin artists come along to satiate some people's head canons ?... still avidly waiting for the 5toubun VN tho ??)
>The interviewer says things never go exactly as planned and fans just don't want to see any of the girls rejected
>Negi is grateful for that but says that because works with predetermined heroines are getting popular lately he thinks series like Ichigo 100% actually feel fresh to today's generation
(ahhhhh Ichigo 100% has one of the most satisfying endings in romance manga EVER <3 )
>Interviewer asks about Fuutarou not being able to tell them apart despite having different hairstyles
(simply put, he doesn't pay attention much early on in the story but after the Scrambled Eggs arc he pays attention to their hair now, especially when they are now classmates and their other classmates got confused as well)
>Negi says he only had the hair colours be slightly different for chapter one but thinking about a future anime adaptation he thought it'd be hard on viewers so in the end he gave them different hairstyles AND hair colours
(get it guys? the different hair colors are just visual metaphors, in their world the quints have the same hair colors. Possibly black or brown like normal japanese do)
>He made them all redheads because he thought it would guarantee popularity (also you made their bodies hot, man. appreciate the thiccness fellow man of culture)
>The interviewer calls the different hair colours a necessary lie
(yeah, like the bride's hair color)
>He notes that the flow of the story, the characters and their personalities are all intricately thought out and that there is a lot of drama
Ultimamente mi è venuta la fissa per gli harem/shoujo ecc. (non chiedetemi perchè , non lo so nemmeno io XD ), e dopo averne letti una quindicina devo dire che nessuno di questi è interessante e soprattutto diverso come Go-Toubun.
Non ricordo harem manga dove il protagonista è totalmente disinteressato nei confronti delle protagoniste
Non ricordo harem manga dove il protagonista è totalmente disinteressato nei confronti delle protagoniste
Ah sì? A me pare che sia la norma. Ci sono vari tipi di protagonisti:
1) Il disinteressato a tal punto che inizi a farti domande sul suo orientamento sessuale.
2) Il rincoglionito cronico che non capisce neanche le cose più elementari se non glie le sbatti in faccia.
3) Il verginello impacciato che al minimo contatto con una ragazza diventa un ameba.
4) Il pervertito tutto ormoni e niente cervello.
La vera rivoluzione sarebbe vedere un protagonista innamorato che però si comporti da uomo e faccia qualcosa di concreto per conquistare chi ama. Un Sakuta, per esempio.
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