Interessante notare per la prima volta la presenza di un film cambogiano e l’esordio al festival della cinematografia non strettamente asiatica, grazie alla nuova sezione Sitges Reloaded, in collaborazione con il festival di Sitges in Spagna.
Riportiamo di seguito la prima parte della lista dei film dal sito ufficiale del Far East Film Festival 17:
-20, Once Again!, Leste Chen, time-lapse drama, China 2015, International Festival Premiere
-Breakup Buddies, Ning Hao, anarchic-road movie, China 2014, European Premiere
-Brotherhood of Blades, Lu Yang, wuxia thriller, China 2014, Italian Premiere
-The Continent, Han Han, road movie, China 2014, European Premiere
-My Old Classmate, Frant GWO, nostalgic romance, China 2014, European Premiere
-The Old Cinderella, Wubai, modern romance, China 2014, International Premiere
-Uncle Victory, Zhang Meng, redemption drama, China 2014, Italian Premiere
-Women Who Flirt, Pang Ho-cheung, vibrant romantic comedy, China 2014, European Premiere
-Dragon Blade, Daniel Lee, ancient Roman action in China, Hong Kong/China, International Festival Premiere
-Helios, Sunny Luk & Longman Leung, spy thriller, Hong Kong/China 2015, International Premiere
-Kung Fu Jungle, Teddy Chen, martial arts homage, Hong Kong/China 2014, Italian Premiere
-The Taking of Tiger Mountain, Tsui Hark, great action-adventure, China/Hong Kong 2014, Italian Premiere
-Gangster Pay Day, Lee Po-cheung, triad drama, Hong Kong 2014, European Premiere
-Port of Call, Philip Yung, contemporary noir, Hong Kong 2015, International Premiere
-Sara, Herman Yau, contemporary social drama, Hong Kong 2015, European Premiere
-Café. Waiting. Love, Chiang Jin-lin, hipster-yuppie comedy, Taiwan 2014, European Premiere
-Meeting Dr. Sun, Yee Chih-yen, school heist-comedy, Taiwan 2014, European Premiere
-Second Chance, Kung Wen-yen, billiard drama, Taiwan 2014, European Premiere
-Cart, Boo Ji-young, women-against-big-business drama, South Korea 2014, Italian Premiere
-Confession, LEE Do-yun, lost friendship thriller South Korea 2014, European Premiere
-Gangnam Blues, YOO Ha, goodfellas drama, South Korea 2015, International Festival Premiere
-My Brilliant Life, E J-yong, lost youth drama, South Korea 2014, European Premiere
-My Love, My Bride, LIM Charn-sang, young marriage in crisis, South Korea 2014, International Premiere
-My Ordinary Love Story, Lee Kwon, romance thriller, South Korea 2014, International Festival Premiere
-Ode To My Father, J.K. Youn, postwar generational epic, South Korea 2014, Italian Premiere
-TAZZA: The Hidden Card, Kang Hyoung-chul, gambling epic, South Korea 2014, European Premiere
-The Royal Tailor, Lee Won-suk, 18th-century fashion drama, South Korea 2014, International Festival Premiere
-The Wicked, Yoo Young-seon, office psycho-thriller, South Korea 2014, International Premiere
-The Last Reel, Kulikar Sotho, lost-in-Cambodia, Cambodia 2014, European Premiere
-Rubbers, Han Yew Kwang, condom-comedy, Singapore 2014, International Premiere
-Hollow, Tran Hàm, ghost-haunting horror, Vietnam 2014, European Premiere
-The Executioner, Tom Waller, death penalty drama, Thailand 2014, Italian Premiere
-How to Win at Checkers (Every Time), Josh KIM, gay romance, Indonesia/USA/Thai, 2015, Italian Premiere
-The Swimmers, Sophon Sakdaphisit, swimming pool psycho horror, Thailand 2014, Italian Premiere
-The Gifted, Chris MARTINEZ, ugly-ducking-comedy, The Philippines 2014, International Premiere
-Where I Am King, Carlos SIGUION-REYNA, slum comedy, The Philippines 2014, European Premiere
Siti, Eddie Cahyono, neo-realistic drama, Indonesia 2014, Italian Premiere
-Garuda Power: The Spirit Within, Bastian Meiresonne, Indonesia/France 2014, Italian Premiere
-I Am Here, Fan Lixin, China 2014, European Premiere
-The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness, SUNADA Mami, Japan 2014, Italian Premiere
-Southeast Asian Cinema – When the Rooster Crows, Lorenzo CINIERI LOMBROSO, Singapore/Italy 2014, European Premiere
-Duel to The Death, Tony CHING, Hong Kong 1983
-Once Upon a Time in China 2, TSUI Hark, Hong Kong 1992
-Righting Wrongs, Corey YUEN, Hong Kong 1986
-Spooky Encounters, Sammo HUNG, Hong Kong 1980
-The Way of the Dragon, Bruce LEE, Hong Kong 1972
-The Young Master, Jackie CHAN, Hong Kong 1980
-Stage Sisters, XIE Jin, drama, China 1964 – restored in 2014
-The Tragedy of Bushido, MORIKAWA Hidetaro, drama, Japan 1960 – restored in 2014, European Premiere
-Being Rain: Representation and Will, CHAN Tze-woon, Hong Kong 2014, European Premiere
-iPhone Thieves, Louis WONG, Hong Kong 2014, European Premiere
-Marryland, Anastasia TSANG Hin, Hong Kong 2014, European Premiere
-Neighbors, CAI Jiahao, Hong Kong 2014, European Premiere
-Alléluia, Fabrice DU WELZ, thriller, Belgium/France 2014
-The Duke of Burgundy, Peter STRICKLAND, drama, UK 2015
-Hyena, Gerard JOHNSON, crime drama, UK 2015
-Magical Girl, Carlos VERMUT, thriller, Spain 2014
-The Tribe, Miroslav SLABOSHPITSKY, crime drama, Ukraine/Netherlands 2014
* * *
Dragon Blade racconta la storia di una legione di soldati romani che si perde nel continente asiatico arrivando fino in Cina. In questo film, una delle produzioni a più alto budget della storia della cinematografia cinese, l'oriente incontra l'occidente; Jackie Chan è affiancato dagli attori John Cusack e Adrien Brody.
The Taking of the Tiger Mountain, film tratto dal romanzo "Tracce nel bosco innevato", narra dell'epico duello tra il feroce bandito Hawk, asserragliato in una fortezza durante la guerra civile del 1946, e l'investigatore Yang, infiltrato sotto copertura tra le fila della banda criminale.
Fanta-thriller ad alta tensione che ha sbancato il box office cinese, Helios narra le gesta di un super criminale (Chang Chen) e della sua assistente (Janice Man) alle prese con il furto di un piano per la produzione di armi di distruzione di massa e con una crisi che minaccia di distruggere il mondo.
Primo film da regista dello scrittore cinese Han Han, The continent parla di tre uomini che partono per un road trip alla ricerca di una nuova vita lontano dall'isola in cui vivono.
Fonte consultata:
darò la precedenza a Helios e The continent, i relativi trailer mi hanno incuriosito.
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